Save With Smart Snacking Strategies

Your family’s grocery budget seems to be getting tighter and tighter these days. The kids are growing, and so are their appetites. Food prices have been steadily creeping up for a while, too. You want to be able to feed your family plenty of good food, but you don’t want to break the bank either. If you look at grocery store receipts from past shopping trips, you may notice that snack foods make up a bigger portion of your grocery bill than you thought. The good thing about this is that you do not have to stop snacking, nor do … Continue reading

What is the Atkins Brand Food Like?

Being on the Atkins diet means that you aren’t going to be able to have many of the foods that you have become accustomed to eating. They do sell snack food that is low in carbs and filled with vitamins. You can have those without cheating on your diet. What do they taste like? I decided to find out. One of the things I liked about the Atkins diet is that is emphasizes using real, fresh, whole, food. You cannot go to the grocery store and buy frozen Atkins dinners, because they do not exist. The only prepacked food that … Continue reading